Learn more about Ella Boleynn’s blog, Living in Retrospect.
Living in Retrospect, originally called Anxiously Engaging, is my personal blog. It has changed dramatically through the years – as have I – as have you – as has all. Many early posts give glimpses into my personal refining fires and challenges as I sought healing within and without the Mormon church and the modern medical system. Ultimately, it was only by going inward and reconnecting with myself, the basics of life, and nature that I was able to find self-healing, my long-buried personal identity, and the joy grandma told me not to lose.
Now, Living in Retrospect is my favorite place to share the tools and resources that have changed my own life. What started out as a blog about frugal living and the general chaos of my 20’s has transformed into a peaceful community for self-healing and personal transformation. No matter where you are on your own journey, you are welcome here. Come in, take a seat by the fire, and let us commune together. I hope you can find something to take with you on your journey to make the path a bit lighter.
I’m Living in Retrospect.
Living in Retrospect – (v.) looking to the past for inspiration you can use today
(because healing happens in hindsight)
Living in Retrospect has always been about living with an eye to the past — our personal past and humanity’s past — so that we can learn from it. But why should we care about the past when the world is moving so fast and technology is shifting by the moment?
Because healing happens in hindsight.
We can’t heal the wounds of our present day until we understand the dramatic differences between what we are meant to be and what we are. Our environment is not conducive to life even if it is conducive to societal growth, and we must individually restructure our lives and our environments for health and happiness.
Where to Find Ella Boleynn’s Blog, Living in Retrospect:
Living in Retrospect is Ella Boleynn’s blog, but some episodes have been converted to podcast format and featured on the Ella Boleynn Speaks podcast as well.