Dark Cottage

I worked with Dark Cottage for a few months when I stumbled onto them online. This is an example of finding a brand that really resonated and just offering my services however I could help. The brand ended up being quite a bit smaller than I anticipated from their socials which meant I could be more helpful than I even realized initially. I love working with small brands because it allows me to wear multiple hats and fill a wide variety of holes they might be experiencing in their business. Projects that I completed for Dark Cottage include:

  • Plus size photoshoot featuring their products + SEO review for backlinks
  • SEO audit of website with comprehensive recommendations for updates
  • Rewrote SEO category descriptions
  • Developed Pinterest traffic optimization strategy
  • Optimized Pinterest profile to appear in searches
  • Trained new staff on Pinterest (training available here)

Posted on

September 25, 2024

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