Once upon a time,
you - only half yourself - waited
wished that some 1 in 150 million white knights would
fight through the acid
swim the equivalent of 4-5 miles in 12-48 hours -
choose the right and lose his comrades
only to crack open your shell and become you
inside you - inseparably united
and constantly divided.
One plus one equaling not two, but infinity.
All those copies somehow know
exactly where to go
to become legs or arms or brain or eyes, dependent only upon
placement and the unwritten rules wrapped up inside them.
That you, both halves now wholly united,
grew out and up to be a singular you -
is a miracle of anatomical proportion.

And now, once upon another time
a whole you - still just half yourself - waits
wishes for some 1 in a million knight in shining Converse
to fight through the questions
date the equivalent of a shelf full of Barbies -
choose the right and lose his comrades
only to crack open your makeup mask and become you
inside you - inseparably united
despite all around divided
one plus one equaling not two, but infinity
and that all those tomorrows somehow will know
exactly where to go
to become forevers.
That two, whole halves wholly united
grow past and through to become one singular Two
is a miracle of sociological proportion.
Believe in it.