Ella Boleynn

Hill Dreams

I keep dreaming of hills Big hills. They rise out of flat land, a tower of road I have to climb. The call beyond the crest changes. At times, it...

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Still Water

The water is still today. It's one of those days when the sun and breeze cancel each other out, and you forget that you need sunblock. Soft spring...

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You never long to want or want to long. You only want to be wanted for so long that your bones crack into dust like gray grindings of the peppercorn.

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I hear the lonesome wind come in against the moored boats' bones as I load the warm laundry into the van. A dog tethers a woman across the street....

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Nature doesn't die when the snow falls like hushed ash. It sleeps. All that remains, the stems and stalks and seed clusters that hint of sprouts and...

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I dreamed there were mushrooms growing from your head once. I woke and wondered, and it scared me. But then I tasted mushrooms. Truly. Felt them...

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Night Church

The Devil comes in the nighttime, but the angels come beside. Free under cover of darkness, the fallen and risen abide. Together, they dance in the...

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We Will Await Her

The year scurries on like black squirrels in red leaves. Stillness comes in her end, but we will await her. Even as we scamper - as we scatter - as...

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Cycle Dance

There is blood on the Samhain and Aurora brings her in painted in the colors of the fallen and the children. Ring around the rosy, a pocket full of...

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A Muddy Prayer

We've been battered for millenia, maladaptive traits to live while the things that made us human from the world have been hid. In the gardens, on...

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I Lay My Body Down…

I lay my body down each night - the only peace I know. No matter where or what I fight, I never stand alone. Bruised and battered, weary, worn we...

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un homage à l'homme qui prends vie qui chantequi danse il n'a pas de peurvivre pour il sais qu'il etait créépour vivre c'est la vievivre bois,...

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Believe In It

Once upon a time, you - only half yourself - waited wished that some 1 in 150 million white knights would fight through the acid swim the equivalent...

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Let Go

Dark smoke pushes the light out of your body. I watch it go, wisp by wisp - every day, more clouds, more fog obscuring the sunshine. There are...

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Part I I AM -- a weed. Forcing yellow head from infertile field, hearty in health, I heave myself forward from barren ground. Overkilled and...

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True Love

I loved you when I met you - heart pounding as you led me on the first adventure these feet had ever run. Breath catching as you traced the...

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Creation only to lose. For naught. Not the art. Me. Every moment - a new disjointed self wakes to a world of old experiences. Hazily remembered....

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