Signs and Decisions flooded with light like the tide racing in. a young woman expected a whirr of wings. As she stood, a rumpled ball of feathers with the blood dripping slowly from its mouth burned in distress. Come she said I'm not going any more. You can tell them I'm sorry. Stolen Kiss People who want ought to have. Rapture. a shiver and a giggle made in the dark currents of soft laughter lips dissolved to that tender until it was over imagined naturalness red coral pendants staring at her had the power to remember. Deep-set eyes did not glance up again. To Be More Patience, patience, sister. Eyes of the flesh are shut, and we must bear with her. How awful that all good times stoop barefoot in the house. No, rebellious body! Divine tongue, eyes, heart! Indulge desires and buckle the hold-backs. God be with you and emerge from a stream of water to see. Self-doubt Her breast rose beside her cheeks, her own face whispered "don't take my dream away!" Stolen Passion Breathless night air as low as the sound of water parted through the mulberry tree. Farm-girls murmur, like water and blood. Quicker than his brain, fire begins firing. Two dark figures perfectly still plucking spasmodically at the grass. She was living! moan ran on into frenzy. Love After Time It's the old feeling bad thoughts undressed in the kitchen wrapped in hot permission. Her own body heavy closed of her girlhood. In his arms on her bed the first time bent the world like bronze lovers. She awakened.