I lost it in a moment became a strong proponent of a personal atonement, but all I found was the exponents of sin and then when I discovered the singed twin within me, there was no way to spin it - and my car collided with the hint of a guardrail, but that all pales in comparison to the poisonous medicine of time that cloaks itself in transition from Silverstein to Tennyson, or if you'd rather, Dickinson, but all the same, it kills us, and leaves us just a hip hop drop-it-like-it's-hot pop rock hot shot running and running and jumping the fences - hiding from the tenses - from the will be, is, and has been 'cuz they've shattered my defenses - left me grown, but still pretentious pretending that I am when I barely even have been. The world lies before me like a shattered piece of glass - reflecting, refracting the future in the past and they think I know the answers, but I haven't even asked the questions. And I wake up and listen to a wool pad against a cheese grater and brew a potion of coupons from the refrigerator - never smelling the caramelized onions that linger on the air from last night's chili and I can't help thinking if adulthood is the dependence upon being depended upon, then childhood taste a lot like laziness. And like irretrievable water through the drain of my fingers or one of Mr. Feeny's lectures or the innocent lyrics I ascribed to all those rap songs, it is gone.